Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Shift in ME

A dream, a pipe dream of sorts, has always been to write and publish children's books. It seems that life has always gotten in the way and there have always been a list of excuses and reasons that keep me from pursuing this dream. As I find more time for instropection and begin walking this journey to fulfill my soul's purpose, a nagging nudge continues to strengthen. Only as my awareness has deepened, have I been able to see things a bit more clearly. I am the author of my life and I am the only one who can make it happen for me. The inspiration to begin writing a blog and jump in with two feet on a new journey of writing absolutely slapped me in the face following a conversation with a friend about focus. We sent 'focus energy', cycled it, and recycled it back and forth... and here I am! So, what have I been afraid of, what has been keeping me from writing down the bones? The permanence of words on a page, the exposure, and the risk to my ego. I'm letting it go, the fear, the nasty voice in my head that says 'you can't do it'. Inspiration is born of inspiration and when I am on my deathbed, I won't have to wonder what would have happened if I had given it a GO. The only way to succeed is to try and the surest way to fail is to avoid taking the risk. Here I am , a part of the world, I WILL take the risk of living!


  1. I just read this quote yesterday, and it spoke to me. Seems that I love your quote, and I raise you this one...“The key to change... is to let go of fear.”―Rosanne Cash

    Is this not the absolute truth in every circumstance where great good has been gleaned? Really think about it. It'll blow your mind. :) Love you, K.

  2. So excited to be a part of this exciting beginning. You are such an inspiration to me. I admire you. I adore yo
